Talking Eggs

A beautiful theatrical telling, for children, of a folktale from the American South, with live music, imagination and… wooden buckets.

A new collaboration between Award-winning Something Underground’s Jonathan Brown and musician Annika Brown.

The Talking Eggs is a funny, but also moving tale that has strong echoes of Frau Holle, one of the Grimm Brother’s collection. The story seems to have emigrated from Europe into the American South, finding new motifs, but retaining the aspects of the Other-worldly Old Woman, the two sisters who are treated very differently by their mother, and the come-uppances for those who ignore, rail against or even try to get the better of, natural orders and unspoken respect for humanity and all life.

We hope you’d like to bring your children. Dragon Tales ARE stories with bite, and this story has the occasional slightly scary bit, that might give very small children the collie-wobbles.

“Brilliantly simple, and wonderfully magic” Alex Fox, Hove.

“I absolutely loved it.” Isobel (6 & 1/2), Hove.

“We loved it & will tell all our friends to come & see you.” Jo, Hove.

“I think that it is very nice” Norah Eagle Brown (6), Hove.

“Lovely and Funny. Lovely Music” Sophie, Lewes.

“Loved it! Was fun – beautiful music and storytelling.” S, Lewes.

“I really liked the story.” Max (7), Lewes.

“…the kids & I really enjoyed this today, was great fun! Beautiful music too, Thanks! Xxx” S. Jordan, Lewes.